Many companies across all industries offer discounts of one type or another to veterans and/or senior citizens. Restaurants have "senior night" and some offer discount cards. Veterans get discounts on national holidays and at other key times. This occasional discounting policy seems to be the norm.
This year, however, Mayo Property Inspections is offering 10% off all inspection services to veterans and senior citizens for the entirety of 2015.
When one starts a small business all the best information and literature available says to run it with the mindset of a servant and the heart of a teacher. The idea is that when you set out to serve clients success will follow. Businesses that are out for margins and profits only are doomed to fail. Even if the money keeps rolling in, if the motivating factor for an entrepreneur is money then several lines on the graph will drop sharply.
I decided when I opened Mayo Property Inspections that if I focused on helping people and teaching them (in this case about the systems of their home) the profits would come as a byproduct.
As I began to plan for this year two groups of people came to mind.
My parents are both senior citizens. They have lived a good long while and have gained experience and strength and wisdom. Today, however, our culture seems to worship youth and often shows indifference to the more experienced among us.
I wanted to say in a small way that they mattered.
The other group that came to mind was veterans. My father is a veteran of the Viet Nam War. I have many friends and family who have served and currently serve in the military. All military people sacrifice to some extent. But for over a decade we've been at war and many serve multiple tours. They are away from family and friends and in constant harms way.
Whatever you believe about the validity of these wars, the men and women of our military serve and deserve our thanks.
I realized that one way I could say thanks is to provide a bit of a price break, some good information and hopefully a calming presence during the home buying process.
At the end of the day I exist in my business and personal life to serve those I come into contact with.
Committing to a discount for veterans and senior citizens is a small but very real way I can do that.